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Privacy Policy

  1. You agree to not discriminate against a user's race, gender, sexual orientation, or other personal identification factors.

  2. You agree that cookies are only stored in order to ensure the best user experience, and that cookies are stored and managed by this website's host, GitHub Pages.

  3. You agree that distributing any of the services or information on this website, unless it is cited, is grounds for the user to be prosecuted.

  4. You agree that the forums can store your name, email, password(s), and/or your social media profile. All information regarding this is only viewable by the creator of the website and by the website's host, and will not be shared. If there are any issues with the user's privacy or security (First Amendment of the United States Constitution), report it to and actions may be taken.

  5. Regarding the forum, autofill form data may be used to ensure a quick and speedy log-in process.

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